Uplandsteig - THE original -

Sauerland-Wanderdorfs / Neusta Touren / Uplandsteig - THE original -
Adventure and the romance of nature on the 67 km certified quality hiking trail


Wegweiser am Uplandsteig

Kirche in Neerdar

Gipfelkreuz bei Sonnenuntergang

Blühende Heide bei Sonnenuntergang

Wanderer in der Heidelandschaft

Richtplatz am Uplandsteig

Schafherde, im Hintergrund der Ettelsberg

Schnitzarbeiten am Uplandsteig

Auf dem Uplandsteig

Hagebuttenstrauch am Uplandsteig

Heidelandschaft bei Sonnenuntergang


Kirche in Hemmighausen

Die höchsten Lagen des Uplandsteigs

Kühe in der Qualitätsregion Sauerland

Kühe am Uplandsteig

Gipfel des Langenbergs - höchster Berg des Sauerlands

Ausblick am Treis auf dem Uplandsteig

Ruhebank mit Farnen und Moos am Uplandsteig

Blick vom Dommel

Buchenwald im Frühling am Uplandsteig

Tolle Fernsicht mit Bergpanorama am Uplandsteig

Tour starting point:

Visitor center, Am Hagen 10, 34508 Willingen (Upland)

Tour destination point:

Visitor center, Am Hagen 10, 34508 Willingen (Upland)


  • Refreshment stop
  • Multi-day tour
  • Circular route
  • Signage
  • Quality Trail Wanderbares Deutschland
  • Good public transport connections

Additional Information

Certified as a quality hiking trail by the German Hiking Association.





67.2 km


19:05 h

Elevation ascent

1532 m

Elevation descent

1532 m

Lowest point

406 m

Highest point

836 m



Recommended seasons


The Uplandsteig - a dream landscape!

Mixed forest, Buchenwald, fir forest, fields, flowering meadows and marshy landscapes - the wonderful views that await you cannot be described, you simply have to experience them for yourself.

You will cover the first 500 meters in altitude and also the most strenuous part of the certified hiking trail right at the beginning and will be rewarded with magnificent views over Upland (in Hessen and therefore in the middle of Germany). The trail continues through smaller Upland villages, past a bathing lake, through a nature reserve and finally to the source of the Diemel. Along the way, you will pass wonderful viewpoints and can let your gaze wander over the vast landscape. Experience untouched nature with its Hochheide (unique in Europe), moors, orchid meadows, fields and forests. You will climb the highest mountain in Hochsauerland and also in NRW, just over the state border, the 843 m high Langenberg. You will also find boundary stones from times long past, as well as well-known historical sites such as the Richtplatz or the medieval Schwalenburg, an as yet unexplored rampart.

And once you have covered the 66 km, continue dreaming with wellness or massages or Kneipp (with a double "p", mind you), as Willingen (Upland) is both a Kneipp spa and a climatic health resort.

0 km 10 km 20 km 30 km 40 km 50 km 60 km 400 m 500 m 600 m 700 m 800 m 900 m 409 848



Uplandsteig - A landscape dreamThe Uplandsteig is a challenging hiking trail 66 km long. It takes you once around the municipality of Willingen (Upland) and touches all 9 districts. The topography of our landscape already gives us an idea that we have to reckon with some steep climbs and descents along the route, especially in the first few kilometers. In the first 15 km alone, 450 m of a total of 1,468 meters in altitude are overcome. You will find a kilometer marker both on the map and on the route. You will notice that the landscape changes again and again during the hike. We hike through mixed forest, Buchenwald, fields, flowering meadows, marshland and Hochheide. It is impossible to describe the wonderful views that await us along the route - you simply have to experience them for yourself.Kilometers 0 to 5The official starting point of the Uplandsteig is the visitor center in Willingen. From here, the trail heads downhill, over the Gehrenbrücke bridge, past the "Upland School", the smallest grammar school in Hessen. After approx. 300 meters, the route then turns left and leads through Willingen's spa garden to Brilon Straße. Cross this road and walk to the right of Göbels Landhotel up the road "Zum Treis" to Sonnenweg. There you have already hiked the first kilometer of the trail, and from here your "nature" experience begins, which will accompany you for the next 64 kilometers. You leave the Kurhotel Hochsauerland 2010 on your left and soon reach the Haselnussweg (600 m above sea level). Here you have your first beautiful view of Willingen, its mountains and the town's local mountain opposite, the Ettelsberg (838 m). The path now runs relatively flat in the direction of Schwalefeld. You will experience the beauty of a Buchenwald forest, and after a good 2 kilometers you will reach the Fernblick café-restaurant (closed on Thursdays). Its specialty, the "daily fresh waffles", attracts many hikers. From here, you can already see the Schwalefeld district deep in the valley. After approx. 350 meters, the path leads you again through a Buchenwald down into the Ittertal (km 4). The Itter - like the Aar at around km 9.5 - flows into the Diemelsee. Between km 4 and km 5, the Uplandsteig crosses the main road and leads you along the foot of the Burgring and partly along the banks of the Itter towards Schwalefeld.Kilometers 5 to 10At the 5 km mark, you will see the Sonnenhofer on your right, the family home of the well-known former cross-country skier, multiple Olympic participant, former successful national coach and current sports director of the Willingen/Winterberg Olympic base, Jochen Behle. Before the Café Waldesruh (rest day: Monday), the trail turns left at an acute Winkeln and leads again, but now halfway up, along the Burgring through high spruce forest. After about 1 kilometer, a steep hiking trail: turn right here up into the saddle between Burgring and Hegeberg. A shelter and a bench invite you to linger at the end of this ascent. You should also enjoy the beautiful view of Schwalefeld, the surrounding mountains and down into the Aartal. At km 7.5, you reach a historic site, the legendary Schwalenburg. Today, only the three circular ramparts, which have a total length of 1,659 meters, are still visible. From the small observation tower located in the middle rampart, you have a good overview of this mighty complex. On the outer rampart, you leave the early historical fortifications and the descent into the Aartal begins. Now across open fields, you reach the valley. Between km 9 and km 10, refresh your tired feet in the water treading pool, because now another steep ascent awaits you, leading up the Frankenpfad to Rattlar. This path takes its name from history. Charlemagne is said to have passed through here with his army in 772 to destroy Eresburg Castle near Obermarsberg. But it remained intact.Kilometers 10 to 15After a strenuous climb and after leaving the forest, you can recover from your exertions in the "Bratpfanne". The "Bratpfanne" is a small seating area located to the left below the path. The name was coined decades ago by guests from Rattlar because the sun burned so hot from the sky in this sheltered location that you felt like you were being fried. The open fields also offer various views of the highest village in Upland, as well as the Hermannsberg mountain directly in front of you. According to legend, this is where Hermann the Cheruscan secretly met his future wife Thusnelda, the daughter of the Roman-friendly Prince Segestes, who is said to have lived at Schwalenburg Castle. However, there is no scientific basis for this legend. On the right-hand side, you will see two production sites of the wood and plastics processing industry. Behind a field barn, the path turns left and leads past the sports field. If you are now feeling hungry or thirsty, you should fortify yourself for the next few kilometers in the only inn in the village ("Schäfer", closed on Tuesdays), as the next opportunity to stop for refreshments is only after another 12 kilometers in the district of Eimelrod Dorf. Turn left after the sports field and then right again after a few meters. The route now takes you up over a ridge with magnificent panoramic views (604 m above sea level) before descending into the Dommel valley (506 m above sea level). Passing the old Dommelmühle mill, first mentioned in a document dating back to 1566 (now inhabited), you soon face the next ascent, up to the Dommelhöfe farms (635 m above sea level). The path leads past a few weekend cottages hidden in the forest and up through beautiful Buchenwald. Once you reach the farms, you should simply leave the path and head left up to the Dommel Tower (726 m above sea level). This detour is rewarded with a unique panoramic view of the Sauerland and the Waldeck region. You have now hiked what is certainly the most difficult and challenging part of the Uplandsteig. So "fresh up"!Kilometers 15 to 20Although the remaining 51 kilometers cannot exactly be described as a flat stage, there are no longer any extreme gradients waiting for you. From the Dommelhöfe farms, follow the tarred road to the district road, which you cross. Now the landscape clearly changes its face. Whereas the previous route was characterized by mixed and spruce forest, it is now mainly meadows and fields that make up the landscape and reward the hiker with magnificent views. Your eyes can get used to this for the next 2 kilometers. Shortly after km 19, the path turns right. A refuge invites you to linger, and you can see Diemelsee in the distance. After a possible rest, follow the field path downhill to the village of Hemmighausen.Kilometers 20 to 25You will reach the small Upland village between km 21 and km 22. The predominantly agricultural village used to be a Hessian enclave, just like Eimelrod and neighboring Deisfeld. Although the villages were located in Waldeck Land, they did not belong to the sphere of influence of the Waldeck rulers. It was not until 1929 that the parish of Eimelrod returned to where it had always belonged - to Waldeck. First in Hemmighausen, you cross the small river Diemel, after which Diemelsee is named. At the village hall, turn right up the cobbled village street for approx. 100 meters and then turn left onto the old school path. This is the path that Hemmighausen schoolchildren used to have to take to attend school in Eimelrod. This path was cleared especially for the Uplandsteig. A short, steep climb takes you up to the connecting road between the two Willingen districts. Eimelrod itself is bypassed on farm tracks down to the Mülmecke valley (466 m above sea level). If you still want to stop for a bite to eat, there are inns ("Sauer" and "Zur Zweere") and small restaurants in the village not far away. Back on the U-steig trail, follow the stream for a short while, cross it and hike in a wide arc up to Bockelau, where a small refuge invites you to take a break at km 25. You will then be rewarded for the ascent with beautiful views.Kilometers 25 to 30The trail continues down into the Neerdar valley. This small river also gave the village of Neerdar its name. On the way there, shortly after km 26, you cross under the railroad line that connects Willingen with Korbach and was put back into operation in 2004. In Neerdar, you can stop for refreshments at Gasthof Kiel (closed on Wednesdays). Also worth seeing is the restored church in the village, the old parts of which date back to the beginning of the 13th century. After the small Neerdar bridge, turn right, first 100 meters along the main road, which you cross and then turn left into the street "Zur Padbeck". Pass the village community center and after 20 meters turn right uphill. You will soon reach a forest again via a field path. Turn left here and walk along the edge towards Bömighausen. You will reach this district after a good 2 kilometers. However, the Uplandsteig trail does not lead directly into the village, but turns right shortly after km 29 and climbs slightly uphill above a vacation settlement. At the end of this settlement, a staircase on the left leads down into the small valley. Once there, you cross the road, pass through a small wooded area and after just a few meters on the left, you can look down to the pretty village of Bömighausen. So if you are hungry and thirsty, please turn off here (Gasthof Ritter in the village center is open for you, except on Wednesdays).Kilometers 30 to 37Shortly before km 31, the U-steig continues half-right and slightly uphill. Above a small settlement of "Nurdach" houses, you will reach a small bathing lake at km 32, which invites you to linger or even take a short swim. Here you have also reached the lowest point of your hike (420 m above sea level). Now begins a 15-kilometre section that leads almost constantly uphill. But don't worry, the gradients are not as extreme as the first few kilometers. Instead, it is a gradual ascent with many flat stretches. First, turn sharp right at the lake and walk through a small valley towards Welleringhausen. Turn right again at the next road junction. Follow the asphalt road for approx. 200 m and turn left towards the edge of the forest. After a nice kilometer, turn left down into the valley, cross the torrent and turn left/right again up into the forest at Grotenberg. Caution: the path changes direction several times. If you emerge from the forest on the other side at around km 35.5, you will reach one of the most beautiful views of the Uplandsteig. Because of the rare plants that can still be found here (e.g. the golden thistle), the entire slope has been placed under nature protection. A small refuge, located directly on the path, invites you to take a look at the vast landscape. On a clear day, you can see the tower on the "Hohen Gras" near Kassel, the "Peterskopf" on the Edersee and the "Wüstegarten" in the Kellerwald forest from here. The Georg Viktor Tower greets you from the Eisenberg (near Korbach) and the wind turbines near Gembeck turn in the wind. The route now continues along the slope and you turn left down to the district road.Kilometers 37 to 44Turn right and follow the district road for about 100 meters, then turn left onto a dirt road at km 37. After another 200 meters, the Uplandsteig forks: if you continue straight ahead, you will reach Usseln after approx. 3.5 kilometers via the so-called valley variant through the Ohl. The mountain variant, however, turns left there and you experience "pure nature" for around 28 km until shortly before the finish. However, the next refreshment stop is only after around 18 km at the Hochheidehütte (56 km). After km 44, both variants meet again near the Diemel spring. You can of course also follow the mountain variant to turn into Usseln. Mountain variant km 37.3 - km 44.6:At the junction, initially keep left and bypass the wooded hill until you reach the country road connecting Düdinghausen and Usseln. Turn right there and then left again after about 200 meters, where you soon enter a huge wooded area, which you only leave for a short time at km 42. When you emerge from the forest here, you have a fantastic view far into the countryside (by the way, from km 37.0 to km 40.8 you are in North Rhine-Westphalia, crossing the border between the neighboring federal state and Hessen twice). The trail now leads up to the high plateau of the Kahle-Pön to one of the many Hochheide located along the Uplandsteig. These biotopes, which are rare in Europe, have also been designated as nature reserves here. At km 42.5 behind the summit cross, the Uplandsteig Trail leaves the rustic Heid and you hike across the ski slope of the Pön lift in the direction of the "Graf Stolberg Hütte", from where you turn right at the boundary stone down to the Diemel spring. Above the newly designed Diemel spring, a narrow path takes you to the point where the mountain and valley variants meet again. Valley variant km 37.3 - km 44.1:If you opt for the valley variant, you first walk straight ahead on the field path and on a flat stretch through a meadow valley before you reach a small wooded area after approx. 1 km, which you walk through at the edge. You will soon see the small house "Im Ohl" on the left-hand side. The path turns right here, takes you over the Neerdar and then immediately turns left again. You now walk 2 kilometers uphill in the valley towards Usseln. This path is surrounded by many bushes and offers welcome shade in the sunshine. At the top, turn right, cross the railroad bridge and then immediately turn left again down into the village. Here you will find a variety of hotels, guesthouses and restaurants where you can stop for a bite to eat or find accommodation for the night. We also highly recommend a visit to the unique Milch-Mu(h)seum, which you pass on the way. In the center of the village, the path turns left and up the sports road to Diemeltal. You will also find the tourist information office directly at the sports field, where you can get help with any questions you may have. The trail continues on a narrow path through the Lohwald forest, then past meadows, turns right/left at km 43 onto a parallel path, where after another kilometer in the forest above the Diemelquelle spring you meet the mountain variant of the Uplandsteig ( at km 44.6).Kilometers 44 to 50At the source of the Diemel at around km 44.4, a refuge with a newly designed seating area invites you to rest and have a picnic. Next to the refuge, the Uplandsteig continues and via a path you reach a wide hiking trail (where the mountain and valley variants meet), which you follow to the left here. Continue slightly uphill through mixed forest and you will soon reach a crossroads where 5 paths converge (Auf'm Knoll). You cross this junction and then reach the "Schöne Aussicht" at km 46. The name does not promise too much: you can enjoy wonderful views to the south, far into North Rhine-Westphalia. Up to km 52, the Uplandsteig now runs exclusively through this federal state again. At the next junction, the path turns left and leads through spruce and deciduous forest until you emerge from the forest and reach a farm track. Here the path leads uphill to the right, along the Krutenberg. Once again, there are wonderful views between km 47 and km 49, as far as the Taunus mountains in good weather. After 500 m and shortly before km 49, the path turns left past mountain meadows and through fir forest, leads through the forest for approx. 50 meters and then continues downhill to the right. At km 49.4 you touch the Hessian border again. But watch out: this section of the route is characterized by very swampy areas, as you are in one of the Itter spring areas, the small river that flows through Willingen. The Uplandsteig also touches the "Alter Hagen" nature reserve here, which stretches across large parts of the Strycktal towards Willingen. Here you will find many rare plant and animal species worthy of protection, nutrient-poor moors and moor meadows, birch and alder swamp forests as well as orchid-rich marsh meadows. Once you have passed these wet areas and paths with flying colors, you will come to a large junction at km 50.4 on the Rothaarsteig, another certified 154 km long hiking trail that leads from Brilon to Dillenburg. At this crossroads - at the Hillekopf - a refuge with a new group of tables invites you to take a break. Then continue northwards. Uplandsteig and Rothaarsteig now follow the same route together for the next 9.5 km. The future will show whether it will stay this beautiful: certain planners are planning wind turbines, high up on the Krutenberg?Kilometers 50 to 55On the following section of the route, you only have to climb a few meters in altitude because the Uplandsteig now runs on a ridge between 740 m above sea level and 843 m above sea level. This means you can enjoy a beautiful, relatively flat hiking trail for the next few kilometers, which initially leads downhill through dense spruce forest to the main access path to Hildfeld. There, however, you turn right uphill and then immediately left again, continuing along the border between Hessen and North Rhine-Westphalia towards Hochheide. Along the way, you will repeatedly come across historical boundary stones that mark the border between the Electoral Sauerland and the Waldeck region. You will soon reach the "Streit", sometimes also called "Scheid", a square with spacious seating areas and a shelter. Here at km 53 - turning left - is also the entrance to one of the most beautiful nature reserves in the region: Europe's highest Hochheide! Incidentally, this is a popular area for cross-country skiers in winter, with wonderful trails for all skiing enthusiasts on both sides of the border. But first pass the Hoppecke spring, then turn right off the main path on a narrower path through "Erika". Enjoy this Hochheide, which is also part of the "Alter Hagen" nature reserve, for the next few kilometers. At any time of year! Of course, it's even more beautiful in July and August, when the "regina vulgaris" is in bloom and the blueberries are ripe - try the delicious fruits :-)! But soon you will see a cross on the left, so turn off at the crossroads and head for this point on the Clemensberg (838 m). The summit cross not only marks the highest point on the Hochheide, from there you can also enjoy wonderful views far into the Sauerland, the land of 1000 mountains (or 2,731?). Below the cross is the Hildfeld quarry, where diabase, a very hard rock, is mined. Around 3,000 tons are extracted here every day!Kilometers 55 to 60A short, steep descent takes you back through the nature reserve to the next refreshment stop at the nearby Hochheidehütte. After a rest, you then leave the Hochheide for good in the direction of Burbecke Platz and Langenberg, and after a short time you will also pass a charming mountain meadow, also known as the "Sauheide". On this section, too, you remain on the ridge and therefore only have a slight incline to contend with. After walking through a densely overgrown fir forest (or was it spruce?), you reach "Oberer Burbecke Platz" shortly before km 58, where you should turn right. A small ascent follows and leads through forest again. Then turn left/right and at km 58.5 you will reach the highest mountain in North Rhine-Westphalia, the Langenberg (843 m above sea level) and therefore the highest point of your hike. In the past, tall spruce forest prevented any distant views here. Since "Kyrill" swept over the Sauerland in January 2007, the view to the north is partly clear, but partly overgrown again. From now on, it's always downhill: the following section - up to km 60 at Richtplatz - impresses with its natural, sometimes damp path and brings you closer and closer to your destination on narrow paths. Once you reach Richtplatz (760 m above sea level), you will find yourself at a historic site. As the name suggests, a court used to be held here for possible border disputes, but no one was executed.Kilometers 60 to 66At this historic site, first turn right, then after approx. 100 m turn left again onto a wide forest path. After 1 km, you cross the Sonnenlift downhill slope, where you can enjoy a beautiful view of the World Cup town of Willingen (Upland). And continue downhill to Ritzhagen. There, at km 62, you will reach the second ski lift on your hike, the new 6-seater Ritzhagen lift. Now you are almost there. Take a short left downhill into the valley of the neighboring Wettesteinbicke, and after km 64 you will reach the first houses of Willingen. Various restaurants along the last few meters invite you to reward yourself for the challenging hike with a good drink or a delicious meal. The more resilient also have the option of trying out the summer toboggan run or the go-kart track on the Ritzhagen slope, all close to the Uplandsteig. The glass-blowing workshop and the mountain rescue service are also on the way, as well as a climbing hall (with bouldering and indoor archery). Well, how about a try on the 12 m high climbing wall? On the way to the visitor center and Uplandsteig hiking board, you will immediately see the cable car to Ettelsberg, as well as the only industrial building in the village where bathroom furniture is made. No matter how you tackle the Uplandsteig, whether in sections or as a marathon, it is sure to leave you with plenty of impressions with this variety of beautiful views and vistas. Afterwards, you can be proud of having completed a challenging 66 km ("hiking route sixtysix"), which also offers you some peaceful moments. Now immerse yourself in the wide range of activities that Willingen (Upland) has to offer.


We recommend sturdy shoes, clothing suitable for the weather, rucksack provisions and sufficient liquids (water, tea).

Author Tip

The entire Uplandsteig can be easily covered in 3 day tours (3 x 22 km).


Hiking map Willingen/Diemelsee & Trekking Park Sauerland, scale 1:25,000, mr-kartographie, Gotha, ISBN 978-3-86636-923-8

Public transit

Bus/train to Willingen station, 10 minutes walk to the starting point at the visitor center

How to get there

By car via the B251 to Willingen (Upland), drive to the parking lot at the visitor center, Am Hagen 10, 34508 Willingen (Upland)


Free parking at the visitor center/lagoon pool

Interesting places in the neighbourhood

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