Sauerland-Höhenflug: The tour of fanatstic panoramic views

Sauerland-Wanderdorfs / Neusta Touren / Sauerland-Höhenflug: The tour of fanatstic panoramic views
On this public transport tour, the Sauerland-Höhenflug leads from Eslohe-Reiste to Bad Fredeburg. The tour offers fantastic panoramic views.

Panoramatafel bei Altenilpe

Tour starting point:

Bad Fredeburg, bus stop Sparkasse

Tour destination point:

Bad Fredeburg, bus stop Sparkasse


  • Nature highlight
  • Refreshment stop
  • Tour with dog
  • Good public transport connections

Additional Information


regionaler Wanderweg


14.5 km


4:00 h

Elevation ascent

371 m

Elevation descent

261 m

Lowest point

335 m

Highest point

619 m



Recommended seasons


From Bad Fredeburg, you take the bus to Eslohe, Reiste. You then hike back to the spa town of Bad Fredeburg via the Sauerland-Höhenflug, which is picturesquely situated at the foot of the Hunau with its historic town center and numerous half-timbered houses.

All public transport information at a glance:

The starting point of the hike is the bus stop Bad Fredeburg, Sparkasse. From here, take bus no. 367/369 in the direction of Eslohe to the Bremke, Post stop. Change here to bus line S70 in the direction of Meschede to Eslohe (Sauerland), Reiste. Frequency: every hour from Mon - Sat, every two hours on Sundays and public holidays. The Reiste bus line is located directly on the Sauerland-Höhenflug.

Further information and departure times at DB Bahn Westfalenbus:

Please note: There will be a hunt in Reiste on November 25. Between 1 and 4 pm, the Sauerland-Höhenflug will also be partially closed. A detour has been set up.

Wanderinformation Reiste


Ausgangspunkt Region Sauerland Wanderdörfer - Eslohe-Reiste.

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Wanderportal und Wanderparkplatz Reiste


Ausgangspunkt für Wanderungen rund um Reiste, z. B.

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Bildstock Altenilpe


Bildstock "St. Rochus" oberhalb von Altenilpe.

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Panoramatafel Somberg


Panoramatafel Somberg mit schöner Aussicht und Sitzgruppe oberhalb von Altenilpe.

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Aussichtspunkt Gelsterhagen


Entlang der Flanke des Gelsterhagens oberhalb von Altenilpe führt der Sauerland-Höhenflug immer wieder über einen herrlichen Panoramaweg.

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Buchhagenkapelle Bad Fredeburg


Kapelle aus den Jahren 1822 - 1830.

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Kreuzwegstation VI Bad Fredeburg


Kreuzwegstation VI zur Buchhagenkapelle.

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St. Georg Pfarrkirche Bad Fredeburg


Die heutige Pfarrkiche St. Georg liegt in der Ortsmitte Bad Fredeburgs und wurde im Jahr 1932 erbaut.

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0 km 2 km 4 km 6 km 8 km 10 km 12 km 14 km 350 m 400 m 450 m 500 m 550 m 600 m 650 m 338 636



The starting point of the hike is the bus stop Bad Fredeburg, Sparkasse. From here, take bus line 367/369 in the direction of Eslohe to the bus stop Bremke, Post. Change here to bus line S70 in the direction of Meschede to Eslohe (Sauerland), Reiste. Frequency: every hour from Mon - Sat, every two hours on Sundays and public holidays. The Reiste bus route is located directly on the Sauerland-Höhenflug. Follow the Sauerland-Höhenflug along the church in Reiste. Behind the village, the Sauerland-Höhenflug climbs steadily uphill with wonderful views of the Wennetal valley. There are also wonderful panoramic views along the Hülsenberg over the Wenntal valley and deep into the Homert.With a view of Kirchilpe, to the south of the village there was a hill fort in the Middle Ages, the remains of which were uncovered during excavations in 2000, the hiking trail crosses the country road leading to Reiste and runs into the valley of the Kleine Ilpe. Varied through mixed forest and along the edge of the forest, the trail reaches the small settlement of Hengssiepen, where the two access paths to Oberhenneborn and Sellinghausen meet the Höhenflug.The Sauerland-Höhenflug now runs along the Somberg on a panoramic trail with fantastic views over meadows, forests, mountains and the village of Altenilpe. It's worth taking a break at a picnic table here. After circling the Gelsterhagen, the hiking trail reaches another wonderful panoramic viewpoint above the Ilpe spring. A 2 m panorama board explains the view over the Rothaargebirge and Ebbegebirge mountains. On a clear day, the view extends as far as Nordhelle, 35 km away.Via a path, the Sauerland-Höhenflug reaches the "Altes Forsthaus" forest restaurant deep in the spruce forest. (Follow the detour from here)In a magnificent Buchenwald forest, you will come across the Schützenkreuz towering high above Bad Fredeburg. While an access path leads straight ahead to Rimberg, the Sauerland-Höhenflug turns right and descends through a steep hollow path to the forest nature trail and the small chapel at Buchhagen. The route continues downhill via a Way of the Cross to Bad Fredeburg. This picturesque spa town at the foot of the Hunau is located in one of the most densely wooded regions in Germany. Worth seeing are the many slate-roofed half-timbered houses in the town center and the court museum, where props from centuries of judicial history are on display. The Sauerland-Höhenflug runs across the church square and crosses Bad Fredeburg's main street here. Here you leave the Sauerland-Höhenflug and follow the main road downhill into the center of Bad Fredeburg. After a few hundred meters you will reach the bus stop Bad Fredeburg, Sparkasse, the start and end point of our hike.


No special equipment required

Author Tip

Take a packed lunch for a picnic in between.


StandpunktVerlag (ed.) (2010): Adventure hiking guide Sauerland-Höhenflug. Standpunkt-Verlag. ISBN 9783942309011, 14,90 €

Public transit

In Reiste: The Reiste bus stop is located on the main road, which the Sauerland-Höhenflug follows for a few meters before it winds its way back into the woods. It can be reached from Eslohe and Meschede (S70).

In Bad Fredeburg : Bad Fredeburg, Sparkasse bus stop can be reached from Meschede (S90), Schmallenberg (S90), Eslohe (bus 369), Freienohl (bus 367) and Oberhenneborn (bus 465). The Sauerland-Höhenflug runs through the middle of the town and crosses the main road through Bad Fredeburg at the church. The Sparkasse bus stop is just a few meters below the church.

How to get there

Take the A 46 to the Meschede exit, then follow the B 55 towards Eslohe.


In Bad Fredeburg at Schützenplatz, Kurhaus or at the school center.

Interesting places in the neighbourhood

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