Rothaarsteig from Jagdhaus to Lützel

Sauerland-Wanderdorfs / Neusta Touren / Rothaarsteig from Jagdhaus to Lützel
The 28-kilometre Rothaarsteig stage leads from Jagdhaus to Lützel - past the Somborn spring, the Margaretenstein, the Rhein-Weser-Turm, the Heinsberg Hochheide, the Heinsberg aqueduct, the Dreiherrnstein, the Ginsburg, through the Ginsberg Heide to the Giller.

Aussicht vom Grenzweg bei Schmallenberg-Jagdhaus

Original Rothaarsteig Hängematte in Jagdhaus am Rothaarsteig

Rothaarsteig Logo_klein (c) Rothaarsteigverein e.V..jpg

Tour starting point:


Tour destination point:



  • Refreshment stop
  • Accommodation option
  • Signage
  • Tour with dog
  • Quality Trail Wanderbares Deutschland
  • free of charge / accessible at any time

Additional Information

Further information about the Rothaarsteig can be found at or by calling the free service hotline on +49 2974 / 499 4163, where we will be happy to advise you personally on your tour planning.


regionaler Wanderweg


27.8 km


7:15 h

Elevation ascent

445 m

Elevation descent

535 m

Lowest point

515 m

Highest point

701 m



Recommended seasons


The hilltop village of Jagdhaus is the starting point for this stage of the Rothaarsteig. There are various places to stop for refreshments in Jagdhaus as well as the option of taking the bison trail, one of the 14 circular hiking trails on the Rothaarsteig, to the Wisent-Welt nature experience center. Here you can observe a herd of bison up close in a 20-hectare show enclosure.

Passing the Margaretenstein, a historic boundary stone, the Rothaarsteig then reaches the Rhein-Weser-Turm. The 24-metre-high tower on the Rhine-Weser watershed offers an excellent panoramic view. The trail continues down into the Schwarzbachtal nature reserve. A nature trail in the Schwarzbachtal provides interesting insights into life in and around the stream. In summer, there are blueberries along the trail and you can also marvel at the pink and white blooming Heid. The route now leads through the Haberg nature reserve up to the Heinsberg Hochheide with its rich juniper population. The Heinsberg aqueduct is located on the Rothaarsteig access path in the direction of Heinsberg. The Krenkelbach stream, which runs over the aqueduct, supplies the fish ponds below with water. The borders of Nassau, Westfalen and Kurköln used to meet at the Dreiherrnstein. Over the Oberndorfer Höhe, it is not far to the source of the Ferndorf, a 24-kilometer tributary of the Siegen. The route continues through the Ginsberg Heid towards Ginsburg Castle. In 1568, William of Orange, who was born in Dillenburg, gathered his troops here for the fight for freedom. Today, the Ginsburg is a popular viewing tower. The last section of the Rothaarsteig trail leads to the Giller (653 m) with the steel, 18-metre-high Gillerberg tower as a vantage point. Germany's largest mountain sports festival has been held here since 1907 and one of Europe's largest tent festivals has been held here every Whitsun since 1991: KulturPur. The final destination of the stage is the Hilchenbach district of Lützel.

Sonnenaufgang: Heidkopf bei Jagdhaus


Von dem kleinen Bergdorf Jagdhaus aus ist es nicht weit bis zu diesem schönen Sonnenort.

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Wisent-Wildnis am Rothaarsteig


Ein 3 km langer Erlebnispfad führt um das Wisent Gehege herum, so dass man die imposanten Wisente beobachten kann.

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Wanderparkplatz Rhein-Weser-Turm


Neben dem  Rhein-Weser-Turms liegt an der L 553 der Wanderparkplatz Rhein-Weser-Turm.

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Wanderportal Rhein-Weser-Turm

Wanderportal Rhein-Weser-Turm

Ausgangspunkt Region Sauerland Wanderdörfer - Wanderportal Rhein-Weser-Turm

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Der bewirtschaftete Aussichtsturm (Einkehr- und Übernachtungsmöglichkeit) liegt auf 684 m ü.

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Rothaarsteig-Erlebnisstation Schule des Waldes

Schule des Waldes

Grünes Klassenzimmer mit Wissenswertem zu den 4 Hauptbaumarten am Rothaarsteig

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Schwarzbachtal bei Haus Schwarz

Wasserfurt im Schwarzbachtal

Von wilden Wiesen, Wald und einem Bach umgebener ehemaliger Standort eines vor über 100 Jahren verlassenen Bauernhauses im Naturschutzgebiet Schwarzbachtal.

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Grenzgeschichten hautnah: Heinsberger Heide


Mit "Grenzgeschichten hautnah" entsteht mitten in der Natur "Kino im Kopf" .

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Wanderportal Hochheide

Impressionen der Anlage

Östlich von der Kirchhundemer Ortschaft Heinsberg gelegen, ist der Wanderparkplatz Hochheide Ausgangspunkt in die Region Sauerland-Wanderdörfer Hochheide.

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Wegweiser am Dreiherrnstein

Dreiherrnstein ist durch seine Lage ein bekanntes Wanderwegekreuz am Rothaarsteig.

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0 km 5 km 10 km 15 km 20 km 25 km 500 m 550 m 600 m 650 m 700 m 750 m 529 710



Jagdhaus - Sombornquelle - Margaretenstein - Rhein-Weser-Turm - Schwarzbachtal - NSG Haberg Heinsberg Hochheide - Dreiherrnstein - Ginsburg - Giller-Aussichtsturm - Lützel


The Rothaarsteig leads along numerous natural paths away from agricultural and forestry roads. Weatherproof clothing and sturdy shoes are therefore a must for every hike. We want you to experience the "Path of the Senses" not only "dry" but also with "good" feet.
In our small hiking store at you will also find a selection of Rothaarsteig articles to prepare for your tour or as a souvenir. We are also happy to recommend the durable and high-quality outdoor equipment from our long-standing partner, the outdoor outfitter Tatonka.

Hiking rucksack
With a suitable hiking rucksack, your tour on the Rothaarsteig is twice as much fun! Hiking rucksacks have a ventilated carrying system that makes them very comfortable to wear, as this ensures that sweat can evaporate immediately. They can be fastened with a waist or hip belt and thus sit firmly on your back with every movement. They are also equipped with a practical holder for hiking poles and often have a compartment with a tube outlet for a hydration bladder, so that hydration is ensured at all times.
First aid kit
To ensure you can enjoy your hiking tour on the Rothaarsteig to the full, a first aid kit should be in your rucksack for safety's sake. After all, nothing is more annoying than not being able to immediately treat a blister on your foot or minor injuries properly. Tatonka's first aid kits are filled with all the important materials for the initial treatment of injuries and also contain an "outdoor cheat sheet" with a concise and clear guideline for the correct behaviour in the event of emergencies in the great outdoors. You can find Tatonka's first aid kits here!

Food and drink
On some stages, especially between Lahnhof and Dillenburg, there are unfortunately no refreshment stops along the way. Remember to pack food and drink, especially here. The stainless steel bottles, stainless steel insulated jugs and stainless steel lunch boxes from Tatonka are not only practical, but also unbreakable and durable.

Safety guidelines

Information about the rescue signs on the Rothaarsteig
Most hiking trails run away from villages and settlements and everyone who hikes has certainly thought about what would happen if an emergency were to occur. How can I be found here? Where am I anyway? Can the emergency services reach me?
But in an emergency, things have to happen quickly! That's why the Rothaarsteig is equipped with so-called rescue signs throughout. The green and white plaques attached to the posts of the signposts have a number that you must give when making an emergency call. This way, the emergency services know exactly where you are and valuable time can be saved.

Note on the increased risk of forest fires
Please bear in mind that there is currently an increased risk of forest fires due to the dry weather! Please note the following information:
  • Observe the legal ban on smoking in the forest - it applies in spring, summer and fall, more precisely: from March 1 to October 31.
  • Observe the ban on open fires in the forest and within 100 meters of the forest.
  • Take glass out of the forest - the burning glass effect can cause forest fires.
When it is (too) late:
  • Extinguish small incipient fires if you can do so safely. Check the area carefully if necessary.
  • Report fires via "112".
  • Leave the danger zone by the shortest route.
The forest will thank you!

Author Tip

  • Landscape frame and Rothaarsteig hammock near Jagdhaus
  • View from the Grenzweg near Jagdhaus
  • Rhein-Weser-Turm
  • Schwarzbachtal nature reserve
  • Haberg nature reserve
  • Experience point" nature experience carousel
  • Ginsburg Castle
  • Giller and Ginsberg Heid



To help you prepare for your hike, we will be happy to send you our free information pack. At www.rothaarst you can easily select the information you need. A good companion for every tour is our brochure "Rothaarsteig Wegweiser" (Rothaarsteig Trail Guide) with the hosts along the trail and other useful information.


You can order the original Rothaarsteig hiking map on a scale of 1:50000 on waterproof paper, with up-to-date route guidance and useful markings, such as shelters, parking lots, bus stops and much more at for 11.00 euros free shipping to your home.

Public transit

Jagdhaus is served by the Schmallenberg Sauerland hiking bus. You can find the timetable here!

The village of Lützel can be reached by train (from Siegen main station with the Hessische Landesbahn RB 93),

further information can be found at


Free parking is available at the hiking parking lots in Jagdhaus and at Giller, above Lützel.

Interesting places in the neighbourhood

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