Quarzklippen soul place hike

Sauerland-Wanderdorfs / Neusta Touren / Quarzklippen soul place hike
Beautiful hike around the Linsenberg to near the soul place "Quarzklippen". Along the way with beautiful views, a look at the history of earthworks, refreshment stops and the Sleeping Beauty Trail with wellness rest area "Im Schwinkel".

Sauerland-Seelenort Quarzklippen

Tour starting point:

Hikers' parking lot "Im Schwinkel"

Tour destination point:

Hikers' parking lot "Im Schwinkel"


  • Refreshment stop
  • Circular route




5.5 km


1:40 h

Elevation ascent

142 m

Elevation descent

142 m

Lowest point

375 m

Highest point

510 m



Recommended seasons


From the "Im Schwinkel" hiking parking lot, walk along the Medebacher Bergweg towards Dreislar. At Hundecke, briefly cross the Medelon country road and follow the blue Höhenflug sign and the D1 westwards. At Rüdenscheid, the high flight leaves us and we follow the D1 around the Linsenberg. After approx. 2 km, the small mining village of Dreislar is already in sight, now leave the path to the right via a meadow path straight downhill. This path is not signposted. At the bottom of the new path, turn left and follow the next small path to the left for a short distance until you see the small barite quarry on the left.

Here you are now close to the Quarzklippen and above the Dreislar barite quarry. On the way back to the village, follow the road past the small church. The "Zum Burghof" inn is on the left and the barite museum is on the right. Continue straight ahead, slightly uphill, past the Friedfof and along the Sleeping Beauty Trail to the wellness rest area.

Wellnessrastplatz Im Schwinkel Dreislar

Rastplatz Im Schwinkel

Ein Rastplatz der besonderen Art in Medebach-Dreislar mit einem natürlichen Tretbecken.

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Sauerland Seelenort - Quarzklippen

Sauerland-Seelenort Quarzklippen

Die Quarzklippen in Dreislar ist einer der 43 Sauerland-Seelenorte in den Sauerland-Wanderdörfern .

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0 km 1 km 2 km 3 km 4 km 5 km 350 m 375 m 400 m 425 m 450 m 475 m 500 m 525 m 550 m 380 514


Author Tip

The Quarzklippen soul place can be hiked once a month with a group.

Refreshment stops are available in the village. Wellness rest area Im Schwinkel with massage trees, Kneipp facilities, loungers and rest area.

The barite museum is always open on Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays from 2 - 5 pm. (Feb. - Oct.)

Public transit

By car to the Schwinkel hiking parking lot in Dreislar.

How to get there

Travel by car from Medebach in the direction of Hallenberg. In Medelon, take the exit onto Dreislar. At the Dreislar sign, take the first left along the sports field to the Am Schwinkel parking lot.

Interesting places in the neighbourhood

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