Gold track Eimelrod (quality tour)

Sauerland-Wanderdorfs / Neusta Touren / Gold track Eimelrod (quality tour)
This circular trail provides information about ore mining and gold extraction between the 11th and 15th centuries.

Stolleneingang an der Goldspur Eimelrod

Geoparkstation G5 an der Goldspur Eimelrod

Hölzer an der Goldspur Eimelrod

Waldlehrpfad Eimelrod

Stationstafel Goldspur Eimelrod

Geoparkstation G4 an der Goldspur Eimelrod

Infotafeln an der Goldspur Eimelrod

Wandertafeln und Brücke an der Goldspur Eimelrod

Waldweg an der Goldspur Eimelrod

Tour starting point:

Village community center, Am Mühlenbach 22, 34508 Willingen, Eimelrod district

Tour destination point:

Village community center, Am Mühlenbach 22, 34508 Willingen, Eimelrod district


  • Circular route
  • Signage




8.1 km


2:17 h

Elevation ascent

173 m

Elevation descent

172 m

Lowest point

462 m

Highest point

589 m



Recommended seasons


The geological history of Eimelrod begins around 400 million years ago, when the region lay in a sea. When two continental plates collided, the marine sediments were folded into a mountain range, today's Rhenish Slate Mountains. Gold was deposited in its rock layers 320 million years ago as a result of chemical reactions. Over the course of millions of years, the gold-bearing rock layers were eroded by weathering and transported away by streams and rivers. The gold contained in the rock was dissolved out and enriched in the sediment of the flowing waters as "placer gold". In favorable places, it can still be washed out today.

Many relics of medieval mining can still be seen in Eimelrod. Gold was mined here, and iron, copper, manganese and barite were also mined in the surrounding area. You can see collapsed tunnel mouths and shafts, spoil heaps, pings and the former Heinrichstollen.

0 km 2 km 4 km 6 km 8 km 450 m 475 m 500 m 525 m 550 m 575 m 600 m 625 m 650 m 476 600



Over a total distance of 7.5 km, eight stations inform you about the gold deposits around Eimelrod, their formation in the course of geological history and their extraction since the Middle Ages. Please allow approx. 3 hours for the tour. Starting from the sports field, the trail leads past the Mühlenbach stream and once around the Mühlenberg hill. The trail leads past the disused "Heinrich-Stollen" mine, the Eimelrod forest nature trail and other tunnels and potholes and back to Eimelrod. In total, there are 173 meters of altitude to overcome.


We recommend sturdy shoes, clothing suitable for the weather, rucksack provisions and sufficient liquids (water, tea).



Hiking map Willingen/Diemelsee & Trekking Park Sauerland, scale 1:25,000, mr-kartographie, Gotha, ISBN 978-3-86636-923-8

Public transit

Bus/train to Willingen or Usseln station, continue by bus or shared cab (AST) to Eimelrod, Mühlenbach stop

How to get there

By car via the B251, between Usseln and Neerdar turn off towards Diemeltalsperre on the L3082 to Eimelrod


Free parking at the village community center or sports field, Am Mühlenbach 22, 34508 Willingen, Eimelrod district

Interesting places in the neighbourhood

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