Geological circular trail Medebach-Düdinghausen

Sauerland-Wanderdorfs / Neusta Touren / Geological circular trail Medebach-Düdinghausen
The Premium Trail Geological Circular Trail offers an insight into the history of the earth under the motto "Between shells, cephalopods and volcanoes in the tropical primeval sea".

Ausblick vom Kreuzberg in Düdinghauen.

Aussichtspunkt Kreuzberg



Hohlweg in Düdinghausen

Steinbrüche als Fenster in die Erdgeschichte auf dem Geologischen Rundweg

Führung mit dem Geoparkführer auf dem Geologischen Rundweg

Tour starting point:

Grimmestraße 8 (Kirchplatz) 59964 Medebach-Düdinghausen

Tour destination point:

Grimmestraße 8 (Kirchplatz) 59964 Medebach-Düdinghausen


  • Culturally interesting
  • Refreshment stop
  • Circular route


regionaler Wanderweg


7 km


2:30 h

Elevation ascent

270 m

Elevation descent

270 m

Lowest point

448 m

Highest point

656 m



Recommended seasons


The premium trail, certified with the German Hiking Seal, leads through the beautiful inner village ensemble with historical house plaques of the "border village between Kurköln and Waldeck", offers the panoramic Aussichtspunkt Kreuzberg mit Kapelle with Stations of the Cross and chapel. 4 quarries and 1 ravine with information boards as well as a beech coppice hollow path provide insights into the history of the earth, forest and transportation.

Would you like to find out why Düdinghausen was a tropical bathing paradise on the equator 320 million years before the birth of Christ? Are you interested in the fact that Düdinghausen was bombarded with lava rock from neighboring Waldeck volcanoes back then? And - where is the line where two geological eras meet? If your appetite has been whetted, then experience an expedition on the 7 km long Geological Circular Trail, which mainly leads along natural paths and trails.

On this hike you will discover:

  • Listed neo-Gothic church
  • Start plaque and church plaques for the Düdinghausen historical village tour
  • Historic Way of the Cross from 1859
  • Kreuzberg summit with panoramic view and chapel
  • Vitsenböhl quarry
  • Borghagen quarry
  • Gerkes quarry
  • Disturbance caused by the meeting of two geological eras
  • Kirchen quarry
  • Spitzbubenbusch
  • Medieval Buchenwald hollow "Meggen's Holt"
  • Riepen Gorge

Possible extension of the hike:

Connecting hike of approx. 5 km via the Kahle-Pön nature trail

Tip: Guided geological tour (The four quarries tour)

Hikes with the geopark guide are offered from April to October. Information on the dates can be found at or by telephone on 02982-9218610.

Tour description: Approx. 4 km long circular hike along part of the premium trail Geological Circular Trail with interesting information on the history of the village, the current village situation, geology in the border region between Lower Cape with tropical seas, coral reefs and underwater volcanoes, guided fossil search. From the Kreuzberg you can enjoy a fantastic view.

Wanderausgangspunkt Kirchplatz Düdinghausen

Wanderausgangspunkt Kirchplatz Düdinghausen

Wanderausgangspunkt für Qualitätsregion "Wanderbares Deutschland" in Medebach-Düdinghausen.

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Drechsel-Museum (Dreggestobe) und Kulturspeicher

Drechselmuseum Düdinghausen

Dreggestobe und Kulturspeicher mit Museumscafé in Medebach-Düdinghausen Im Heimathaus Pastoren Scheune in Medebach-Düdinghausen wird in der historischen Dreggestobe das Drechseln von Tellern, Schalen und anderen Kunstgegenständen vorgeführt.

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Kirche in Düdinghausen

Kirche in Düdinghausen

Kirche St.

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Aussichtspunkt Kreuzberg mit Kapelle

Aussichtspunkt Kreuzberg

An der Auferstehungskapelle in Medebach-Düdinghausen kann man fantastische Aussichten genießen.

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Wanderparkplatz an der Kreuzbergkapelle

Wanderparkplatz Kreuzberg

Wanderausgangspunkt für Qualitätsregion "Wanderbares Deutschland" in Medebach-Düdinghausen.

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Geologischer Aufschluss - Steinbruch Vitsenböhl

Steinbruch Vitsenböhl

Geologie erleben - Phänomene entdecken Der Geopark GrenzWelten umfasst eine geologisch abwechslungsreiche und landschaftlich reizvolle Mittelgebirgslandschaft im Grenzgebiet zwischen Nordhessen und Nordrhein-Westfalen.

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Parkplatz Drechselmuseum Düdinghausen

Drechselmuseum (Heimathaus) Düdinghausen

Kostenfreier Parkplatz am Heimathaus Pastorenscheune in Düdinghausen.

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Geologischer Aufschluss - Borghagen Steinbruch

Steinbruch Borghagen in Medebach-Düdinghausen

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Gerkes Steinbruch

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Geologischer Aufschluss - Kirchensteinbruch

Kirchensteinbruch Düdinghausen

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Wanderparkplatz Kahler Pön Düdinghausen

Wanderportal Natutweg Kahler Pön

Ausgangspunkt Region Sauerland Wanderdörfer - Wanderportal Naturweg Kahler Pön Auf dem Wanderparkplatz, oberhalb des Dorfes und der Straße "Zum Pön" finden Sie die Portaltafel des Naturwegs Kahler Pön und eine Wanderportalkarte der Medebach Touristik mit der Beschreibung der beiden Premiumwege "Naturweg Kahler Pön" und "Geologischer Rundweg Düdinghausen".

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0 km 2 km 4 km 6 km 450 m 500 m 550 m 600 m 650 m 700 m 459 669



The trail with two steep ascents and descents, each 200 - 600 m long, is marked throughout with the Kopffüßer logo and equipped with information boards at 7 locations.It begins at the signpost tree on the church square in the center of the village and leads - initially together with the Sauerland-Höhenflug and the Medebacher Bergweg - directly past the start board for the historical village tour next to the church downhill to the village hiking board, then in a northerly direction along the pedestrian path next to the L 854 to the cemetery. There you cross the L 854, then a stream and follow the steeply ascending historic Way of the Cross from 1859 to the summit of the Kreuzberg (535 m above sea level) with a chapel, information boards and fantastic panoramic views.After leaving the forest, turn right and take a steep grassy descent to the south. You then come to the Vitsenböhl quarry, walk back 100 m and turn left to follow a valley path on the edge of the Kreuzberg slope heading north. After crossing the outward section next to Station 2, cross the embankment of the L 854, cross it and you are immediately at the Borghagen quarry (Geotope of the Year 2005).Continue along the valley edge path to the north, which eventually joins a path, and you will come to a tarred path which you follow steeply uphill to the NE. Shortly before reaching the summit, turn sharp right (heading SW) and take a detour to the Gerkes quarry 100 m away.Walk back the 100 m and then continue to the nearby Wede parking lot. Here you turn left (heading north) - now also on the Uplandsteig quality hiking trail - and follow a grassy side path along the L 854 for 100 m. The hike then heads west, first along the edge of the forest, then left into the Buchenwald. After 200 m, you will recognize a rivulet to the right of the path. Geologically, this represents a fault where two geological eras meet, the Carboniferous (our current environment) and the Devonian. Shortly afterwards we come across the church quarry. The trail then continues for about 1 km through different types of forest, occasionally interrupted by expansive views, to Spitzbubenbusch, a medieval trading post on the Kurköln-Waldeck border. Shortly afterwards, the Uplandsteig quality hiking trail turns sharply right towards the north, but you stay on the straight path for another 50 m and then turn left for the 400 m long descent via the medieval Meggers Holt-Hohlweg. At the end of the path, there is a beautiful view of Oberschledorn and Goldhausen on the Korbach Eisenberg in the distance to the left.After another 200 m steep descent along the edge of the forest, turn sharp left (north) at the signpost tree, follow a slope path with a beautiful view to the south and then reach the treading pool (secluded resting place with a view of Goldhausen). Shortly after reaching the narrow tarred path, turn right onto a sloping meadow path surrounded by hedges. Cross the Riepenbach gorge in the Buchenwald and then return to the village.


Sturdy shoes and clothing suitable for the weather.

Safety guidelines

The path is not suitable for baby carriages.

Only difficult in heavy snow (possibly from December to March)

Current information about our forests - The bark beetle and its consequences

The forest owners are endeavoring to take the necessary measures in the forests and to remove the damaged wood. However, due to the extent of the damage, this work cannot be completed in a short space of time. The clearing and reforestation of the damaged forest stands will therefore take a long time and sometimes lead to disruptions such as closures and detour in the forests. This must always be taken into account when visiting the forest.

We therefore appeal to everyone who cares about the forest:

  • Understand that extensive forestry work is necessary in the current situation and that this is currently accompanying your forest experience.

  • Be particularly attentive during your leisure activities and observe the prevailing instructions and any prohibitions

Please be considerate ...

Author Tip

Watch the shavings fly in the woodturning museum! From April to October, the Heimathaus with its museum café is open on Thursdays from 3 pm.


Hiking map Medebach 1:25,000 Touristik-Gesellschaft Medebach mbH ISBN: 978-3866369177

Public transit

  • From Willingen: Bus R46 (RLG): Willingen-Düdinghausen

  • From Winterberg: Bus R48 (RLG): Winterberg-Düdinghausen

  • From Korbach: Bus 550 (NVV): Korbach-Medebach / change to the R48 in the direction of Düdinghausen

  • From Frankenberg (Eder): Bus 530 (NVV): Frankenberg-Lichtenfels-Medebach / change to the R46 in the direction of Düdinghausen

How to get there

From Brilon/Willingen or Korbach
B 251 to Usseln, then L 854 to Düdinghausen (5 km)

From Olsberg/Winterberg via Küstelberg/Deifeld


Heimathaus parking lot on the L 854; from there follow the sign "Heimathaus"; Kirchplatz is 20 m above the Heimathaus

Interesting places in the neighbourhood

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