
arrive.with you.

Living silence

Sauerland-Seelenorte - these are rocks and quarries, churches and hilltops, mighty trees and underground caves, lakes and valleys. 42 places, spread across the Sauerland-Wanderdorf villages , have been selected because they are particularly impressive and have a special significance for the people in their surroundings. Not only today, but also in earlier times. They touch people emotionally, mentally and spiritually. They evoke strong resonances. They are places to which people wander and where they can switch off. To come to themselves. Enjoy the peace and quiet. Be inspired. Gain new insights. Even though every Sauerland-Seelenorte tells its own story, there is one quality that connects them all: Living silence.

The 42 Sauerland-Seelenorte
When asked about their very special places, the people in the Sauerland-Wanderdorf villages have set out to show guests and locals the places where they repeatedly experience tranquillity, distance from everyday life, connection, home and encounters. The places show the special cultural and natural wealth of the Sauerland, but also the great openness of the people. Each of the 42 Sauerland-Seelenorte inspires in its very own way. Let yourself be surprised!
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A literary reportage
The author Michael Gleich tells the story(s) of the Sauerland-Seelenorte as someone who left his homeland, returns and experiences them in a completely new way. We would like to invite you to set off on your own - hiking or reading - and discover these special places for yourself: Some are quite hidden, some only reveal their effect at second glance. Let yourself in, let yourself be surprised!
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Hikes to the soul places with a view

The way to the Sauerland-Seelenorte

How do you find a soul place? In the Sauerland-Wanderdorf villages, people have set off together to find out: hikers, landscape coaches, artists, tourism experts and people involved in local history work and churches. They introduced each other to the places in their surroundings where they experience tranquillity, freedom, serenity and inspiration. Places where they go when they need comfort or encouragement. Places that are their own personal places of joy and gratitude. 42 soul places came together in this way. They are spread across the entire Sauerland-Wanderdorf area. Mountain peaks from which you can gaze far into the world. Springs that stand for origin and infinity. Chapels and churches that speak of a deep spirituality.

Giant trees that point beyond us to the heavens. Abandoned quarries that draw us away from everyday life into a world of their own. Places in nature, places with an ancient history. Some in the middle of the village, others hidden away in secret places.

Having become curious, small teams set off to explore selected places - with open senses and antennas for everything that reveals itself when you experience a place in silence.

No less exciting was the subsequent exchange about the experiences in these places, which brought to light some similarities as well as differences. This was also the moment when the history and stories associated with these places were told, knowledgeable and touching by the people who have long been familiar with and connected to them. A rich treasure trove that still holds many a surprise for the locals too.

Michael Gleich, a well-traveled journalist, hiker and exiled Sauerlander, was also surprised when he set out - at the invitation of the Sauerland-Wanderdorf and Sauerland hiking inns - to rediscover his old homeland and set off on the trail of the Sauerland-Seelenorte. He has also added 43 wonderful and inspiring stories to the collection of local storytellers about
each individual soul place.

Now you are invited to embark on the journey! Enjoy getting involved and being inspired! All it takes is a little wanderlust, time and the willingness to become still and look and listen within. It is good not to have any specific expectations, but simply to perceive without judging. Resonance is nothing mechanical, as Michael Gleich shows. It can look different for everyone.

It is particularly nice to share experiences together. Because: Encountering yourself and others - that's what the Sauerland-Seelenorte are all about.

The people who have chosen the places are happy to show you their treasures. The tourist information offices in the Sauerland-Wanderdorf villages and the hosts of the Sauerland hiking inns have a range of guided perception walks ready for you.